Saturday, July 18, 2009

Having Read all of Harry Potter...

Yes, sports fans, I actually finished something. For those that know me, this is probably half "well, sure" and half amusing. I struggle with having 22 projects going at once, and things of secondary or tertiary importance often get abandoned. For example, this summer I pulled out Schaeffer's A Christian Manifesto and decided to pick up where my bookmark was. The bookmark turned out to be a business card for a loan officer who masterminded the loan for my first house, PURCHASED IN 1997. This sort of thing happens to me way too often.

So I am really proud to say that I have read all seven of the Harry Potter books!! I am not to the point of coherent reaction yet, only to say that they are extremely gripping fiction and provided something of an emotional roller coaster during the last few weeks. Also, I was amazed at how well-written fiction and high quality characters yank you into their world. They become so real that you find yourself at loose ends when you're finished with their story.

In general, I liked J.K. Rowling's end to the series and most of her ideas (not necessarily her stated ones in interview, which anti-Harry Potter people keep sending me) but her thematic ideas, taught through the books. I wonder if she's even aware of everything she' advocating. Good stuff, for the most part.

Summer rushes by minus one of its most defining elements: heat! We northerners are stunned by the lack of heat, humidity, rain, and sunshine all at the same time. The last few days our temperatures at a time of year characterized by 85 and oppressive have barely climbed out of the 50's! The children and I now have fires in the evening just to keep warm.

In our spare time, the boys are learning how to hit a softball this summer. Evan's a natural... hardly ever misses a pitch, and pitches well enough for me to hit. Aidan and Toby are quite a bit younger, so it's taking them some time get the skills together. One of the most amusing things has been Aidan shagging balls in the outfield (deeper part of our back yard). I play ball with them just like a coach would... plenty of balls with me, and the next ball is pitched before the first one is fielded. So Aidan runs around the outfield, picking up ball after ball and sometimes carrying 4-5 at a time back to the pitcher's mound and then dumping them unceremoniously in the plastic crate that holds our softball equipment. It's just comical how he does it.

Grandpa is also regaining his strength after a nasty hospital visit around the 3-4th of July. The boys and I are hopeful that he will be able to play ball again when he feels better.

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