Thursday, June 19, 2008

Liar, Liar, Pants on...

I need to get to bed, but this is just too good to leave. After VBS tonight, Tara found a Hershey bar wrapper from one and a half candy bars that Keven plowed through while no one was watching today. He then lied about and Tara busted him. Again.

He normally wakes up during the (I guess) early morning hours, heads for the snack shelf, and loads himself full of whatever he thinks would be tasty. Then he goes back to doze somewhere.

So tonight Tara and I took all the decent snackable foods and put them in another cabinet a full 7 feet off the ground (did I mention that Keven is a for-real, 3'5" dwarf?) and filled the snack cabinet with empty boxes of granola bars, cereal, pop-tarts, etc. which were still in the recycling bin.

I never hope for disobedience, but if he does raid the cabinet, it's going to be majorly unfruitful!! Well, except for the cantaloupe that I put up there, too.


Melanie, Who am I ? said...

You were just hoping he would eat the cantaloupe. That way you wouldn't have to see it at a meal.

Anne said...

How did it go? I think it's hilarious and wish I could've been a fly on the wall.