Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Twelve Days of Christianity

We were warned that our visiting nephew had a variety of needs, and so far the warning has been quite accurate. While going into detail on those would be very interesting, our respect for his privacy would be pretty dreadfully compromised. It would be enough to say that he's developed lying as a defense mechanism and that he's not used to obeying as an initial response to instructions.

After the first several hours, I realized that he would need a crash course in Really Important Things, or Christianity in Twelve Easy Lessons. So I have created a list of 12 big questions like "What's the most important thing in life?" and "What is God like?" and so forth to go through while he's here. Evan and Keven and I will be doing these little studies together. I figure, God's pretty much dumped the kid in my lap. The least I can do is teach him a little bit of what God has taught me.

The weather is stunningly beautiful here. The days are sunny with low humidity, fluffy clouds, and 70-something degree highs. You'd love it.

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