Sunday, October 21, 2007

House Beautiful

Well, we've been working on our new old house since the middle of June, and we're finally getting close on the exterior. I primed the last of the gingerbread/scalloping (or whatever that stuff is called) yesterday. My dad came out for the afternoon and took off downspouts so we could prime and paint behind them. He does a great job though he did lose a few screws (screws lost, not loose... think about that one) in the grass.

I suspect we would have the house done already, but it's been rain-rain-rain in SE Minnesota. That means no painting for days on end.
And that's all from Jim's end of things. He abandoned the computer, so I'm hijacking his post. Someone hop over to my blog and give me a bit of inspiration for what to blog. We're just doing life and that's getting a little short on providing fresh blog material! Thanks!

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