Monday, October 8, 2007

Wouldn't Do This Day Over

Since our move to the country in June, Evan and I commute quite a distance to the school where I teach and he learns. He is very patient with the drive and sometimes reads to me in the morning (may I say it's pretty amazing to have a just-turned-seven-year-old who is useful reader... Scripture or Laura Ingalls or whatever you want). However, today we left approximately on time and were at the Century light (notorious for its many waiting cars) at 7:27. When I say "at the light" I mean more than half a mile down the hill. The line crawled forward... for more than 25 minutes. Apparently the traffic signal had malfunctioned and no one knew what to do. By the time I got to the light, it was repaired but my day was broken.

When I arrived in my classroom, the desks were in a different arrangement because the maintenance guys had shampooed the carpet on Friday night. So I sustained two major disruptions between 7:30 and 8:00 and never really got my feet under me until after school was out. Even then it was a little late to feel accomplished.

The evening with the children wasn't much better. Toby is at a terribly clingy stage. If you try to leave him, he yells, "Daddy, I want yoooooooooooou!" Aidan is very cooperative and pleasant these days. At his worst, he will end up being a pleaser and wish for approval. Evan is just being Evan... competent, imperious, able to sense but largely indifferent to other people's feelings.

Also, I was going to try to write a sermon tonight (I'm preaching at our church on Sunday) but I was swamped, exhausted, and frustrated, which are not good conditions for sermon writing. I will try again soon... maybe during school tomorrow.

[Aside to Everett] You should be jealous... but I'm sure you've met more great saints in your ministry than I have!! Though I have met a few: James Sire, Gene Edward Veith, J. Bud-ji-chef-ski (no idea how to spell that) as well as some of the most amazing doctors in the world.


Everett said...

Yeah, well, once I drove J. Bud. and some other guy to the airport. I also shared an elevator with Thomas Oden.

Tooz said...

What Everett probably IS jealous of is your family. You are truly blessed.

Everett said...

Technically, I suppose in both cases it should have been "envious", and in both it's true.

Anonymous said...

I'm not envious, I'm thankful
for such a great son and family.