Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Roger Writes and Tara Travels

The latest in a string of unusual days...

After being gone for 32 hours, Tara returned for 32 hours and then left again. Of course, this time she took three of the offspring with her. By my count, that leaves one for me to take care of. Wonder where he is...

Just kidding. Evan got to go on a field trip to the Eagle Center (I think) in Wabasha. I found out about this not by seeing a permission slip but rather by his teacher finding me in the faculty workroom and saying, "I don't have Evan's permission slip for the field trip tomorrow." "Field trip? Tomorrow?"
And it continued from there.

Lest anyone have any fear that Tara doesn't like me any more, please realize that both of her sisters recently had babies in SD and IA. As big sis, she is there to dispense advice, counsel, opinions, and Lansinoh. As little sisters, they are there to ignore her.

Also, I just got a comment from Roger Welsch, the college-professor-turned-tractor-nut whose book I am reading in my non-existent spare time. It was a real thrill because I think the last time I chatted with someone remotely famous or published was Michael Card. Roger (if he lived) is recovering from cardiac surgery around Valentine' Day.


Anonymous said...

I am back and at 'em, Jim. When a German like me feels down, he just invades some small helpless country and suddenly everything seems right again. I don't know how to do this without getting one of us into trouble but if you can find some way to contact me, I'll send you more reading material.I am REALLY famous here in Dannebrog, Nebraska.People cheer me from their cars and pickups... "Hey, Welsch you old geezer...get out of the street before you get run over!"

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

Roger, one of the best ways to post one's e-mail address without spam-generating automated searches finding it is to spell everything out. For example, if one's e-mail address is, then one would write out her e-mail address in the comments as:

jane (underscore) doe (at) nonexistentcompany (dot) com. This way, you can give someone your e-mail address but not have to worry that a spam bot search would find your e-mail address.

(Oh, and Jim, if you're wondering who the heck I am, I'm a friend of Clan Meadors, grew up with Ann and Lydia - and therefore, by proxy, Everett. I also lurk on your wife's blog from time to time.)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Biddy Hen (which is what we call a mother hen out here). Jim, contact me at capt (as in captain) neb (as in Nebraska) at agristar dot net, all one word lower case of course. I'm not a stalker, mostly. But I have a book I'd like to have you favorite of my 38.

Jim said...


I know exactly who you are... everything except actually meeting you. Heard something about going through the Alamo with Everett... in the rain... and a sinus infection... what is this, an Ernest Hemingway novel?

Jim said...


I know exactly who you are... everything except actually meeting you. Heard something about going through the Alamo with Everett... in the rain... and a sinus infection... what is this, an Ernest Hemingway novel?

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

LOL! Although, makes me wonder what EXACTLY you've heard. LOL!
I enjoy reading your blog, and your wife's too. Come visit me anytime in blogdom, both of you. And you, too, Roger, if you get the hankering.

Oh, and I know what a biddy hen is. My momma was raised on a farm in rural Kentucky, then I had a few exploits with hens over the years growing up. :-)