Monday, March 3, 2008

Arrival at Arnold's

So we took the van (the one Tara towed, remember?) to Arnold's a few days ago. And it sat. And sat. And I get home too late to actually interface with the guy, so we just let it sit. Then a few days later it was missing. So this morning I made a pretty decent effort to call the man, but it was noted that, though a professional mechanic, he is not listed in the phone book. He is also not in the residential directory. In fact, he is pretty much a reclusive curmudgeon and apparently doesn't like phone calls.

But then Arnold made the mistake of calling, and Tara tricked him into giving his number. So I am going to program it into the cell before the man disappears again.

Maybe he'll fix my van anyway. It deserved to have something like this happen, I suppose, since it did have 196,000 miles on it.

In other news, I have decided to read the Old Testament book of Joshua in the near future.

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